Asian Trader – “Exclusive: Retailers rise to occasion to fight back rampant crime”

Asian Trader share a very insightful report on the effects of retail crime, as many shop owners are turning to technology to tackle the relentless conflict in their stores. From shoplifting, to verbal abuse, looting and ‘aggressive mob behaviours’, retailers deal with a barrage of incidents an a daily basis.

“Shoplifters are essentially becoming invincible, because they keep getting away with it. We had people filling up baskets and running out of the door,” said Facewatch customer Dave Hiscutt who has installed Facewatch in three of the shops that he manages.


Click the link above to read the full article.


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The Symposium, a vibrant cocktail bar at the heart of Wilmslow, Cheshire talk about working with Facewatch.


“We’re thrilled to share our experience with this remarkable system, which has quickly become an indispensable asset for our establishment.


Facewatch has truly come into its own within our bar. It has streamlined our operations and provided us with invaluable tools for enhancing security. Our head doorman expressed his delight just yesterday, emphasising how Facewatch has eliminated the need to rely on memory to identify individuals who are barred. Instead, Facewatch effortlessly takes on this crucial task, leaving us with greater peace of mind.


As our venue continues to grow in popularity, especially during nighttime hours, it’s an unfortunate reality that incidents of abuse and assaults can occur.

What truly sets Facewatch apart is its ability to assist us in managing these challenges more effectively than ever before. It empowers our security team to respond swiftly and appropriately, contributing to a safer and more secure environment for our clientele and staff.


In summary, Facewatch has become an invaluable ally in our pursuit of maintaining a safe and enjoyable atmosphere at The Symposium. We wholeheartedly endorse this system for its effectiveness in enhancing security while simplifying operations.”


Dane, Managing Director

The Symposium


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or call us to find out more 0207 930 3225


“Shoplifting: The Battle On The High Street?”

Facewatch customer Danyal Shoaib and Facewatch Founder Simon Gordon both feature in Thursday night’s ‘ITV Tonight’ programme on shoplifting in the UK. The report highlights the out-of-control and frightening shoplifting epidemic that frontline retail workers have to face on a daily basis. Focusing on the lengths that retailers are having to stretch to in order to protect their businesses and their staff, some of footage in the report is extremely alarming and sadly, all too commonplace in the retail ‘battleground’. 


Many retailers report a significant rise in crime as thieves become more brazen, making the working environments for staff increasingly risky and loss prevention strategies employing alternative solutions such as Facewatch.


Click the link above to watch the full report.


Contact us today to book your free demo here

or call us to find out more 0207 930 3225


Testimonial from Brookfield Retail – Umar Patel, Operations Director 


At Brookfield Retail, we made the strategic decision to implement Facewatch with a clear aim in mind: to ensure the safety and well-being of our dedicated staff who had been enduring ongoing incidents of abuse. Since the integration of Facewatch, it has swiftly brought to light a critical revelation—abuse incidents account for a significant 60% of all reported incidents, reaffirming what we had suspected all along. 


What sets Facewatch apart is its proactive nature, enabling us to deter future incidents by identifying when individuals of interest, who have previously caused disturbances, enter our store. Beyond this, Facewatch alerts us to potential threats, ensuring that if an individual exhibits violent behaviour in a nearby store, we are promptly notified should they enter our premises. 


Prior to installation, we benefited from training that armed us with the knowledge needed for a smooth transition. The installation of Facewatch was executed seamlessly. It took about two hours of our time without any disruption to our operations. The installation team was highly responsive, readily addressing any queries that arose during the process. 


One of the standout features of Facewatch is its simplicity. Uploading an incident takes a mere 60 seconds, and the entire process is self-explanatory. Within days of the system going live, we received our first alert, underscoring its effectiveness. 


Moreover, Facewatch provides valuable reporting insights. It revealed that Thursdays are our most likely days for alerts, equipping us to alert our staff to exercise heightened vigilance on these days. 


The investment in Facewatch has not only been appreciated by our staff but has also empowered them to feel safer and more in control within their workplace. This is having a positive impact on our team’s well-being. 


We are very satisfied and are enthusiastically rolling it out across our other sites. It has emerged as an invaluable asset in our commitment to creating a secure environment for our team members and customers alike. 


Umar Patel 

Operations Director 

Brookfield Retail 



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or call us to find out more 0207 930 3225


Facewatch customers invited BBC News into their shops to demonstrate how Facewatch is helping them to fight the worrying increase in shoplifting, crime and abuse.

The video of CCTV footage featured on the BBC report shows the stark reality of what many frontline retail staff endure on a daily basis – threatening behaviour as well as verbal, physical and racial abuse.

Click the link above to read the full article and find out what Danyal and James think of the positive impact that installing Facewatch has had on their respective businesses.

Contact us today to book your free demo and find out how Facewatch can help you prevent retail crime and protect your staff:
0207 930 3225


Facewatch customers speak to BBC News about their motivation to install Facewatch.

Danyal Shoaib made the decision to install Facewatch in his Surrey service station last month after increasing incidents of racial abuse, threatening behaviour and assaults on staff. He told the BBC “When we started to get physical assaults on staff, that’s when we thought: this isn’t fair on them and we needed to do something about it.” 

Based in Orpington, James Evans from Ruxley Garden Centre has been using the system for much longer and sees the benefits of the proactive crime preventing system:

“Prior to that, [having Facewatch installed] Mr Evans would rely on catching thieves in the act, which could then leave staff waiting two or three hours for police to arrive and make an arrest, he said.”

Click the link above to read the full article and contact us today to book your free demo and find out how Facewatch can help you prevent retail crime and protect your staff:
0207 930 3225


Satisfied Facewatch customer, Simon Lawrence from Lawrence Garages spoke to Forecourt Trader about the positive impact that Facewatch is having on store safety as well as reducing stock loss and violent incidents.

 “Facewatch’s proactive approach to crime prevention sets it apart from conventional CCTV, and its effectiveness in ensuring worker safety aligns with the Lawrence Garages objectives. The combination of Facewatch with tailored safety measures has also significantly boosted employee morale, making staff feel safer and more empowered while at work.”

Click the link above to read the full article and contact us today to book your free demo and find out how Facewatch can help you prevent retail crime in your business:

“Shops & Robbers” A very compelling story on ITV News about the ‘warzone’ that shopkeepers deal with on a daily basis in the face of the “relentless rise” in violence and aggression on shopkeepers and their staff.

Click the link above to watch the full story and see a Facewatch customer share about their experience of using Facewatch to combat the issue of rising retail crime.

Contact us today to book your free demo and find out how Facewatch can help you prevent retail crime in your business:

Shoplifters speak to the BBC saying that “shoplifting was easy”.

The BBC report says that “Retailers have warned that shoplifting has become an “epidemic”. Nottinghamshire Police saw a 36% rise in shoplifting in the 12 months to July 2023. The British Retail Consortium (BRC) told the BBC that the levels of theft now cost retailers almost £1bn a year.”

Click the link above to read the full article and contact us today to find out how Facewatch can help you prevent retail crime in your business

Dave Hiscutt, Head of Operations for Bassett Retail spoke to Convenience Store about how his company have embraced AI in a concerted effort to reduce crime in their stores and protect their staff from abuse.
Facewatch was installed at their Londis Westham Road shop in June 2023 and with less than half the number of incidents reported in July compared to the previous month, they subsequently went on to install our technology in two other sites, labelling the move as the “biggest success”.
Click the link above to read the full article and contact us today to find out how Facewatch can help you